School Board
Board Meetings
Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of each month, beginning at 6:30PM in the board room of the district office building located at 250 E. Campus Dr., Belfair. Please click here to read our guidelines to help understand how our board meetings work under Policy Governance.
Instructions for Citizen Participation at Board Meetings
The NMSD Board of Directors values the opinion and input of the community. This is an opportunity for the public to offer comments or issues whether or not they are on the agenda. On matters of the day to day operation of the district such as policy, curriculum, academic standards, etc. the public is invited and encouraged to meet with the Superintendent.
- Public Comments On Agenda Items - Please sign in, state your name and limit comments to three minutes
School Board Links to EduPortal
Board Agendas & Meetings
Board Meeting Videos
Board Minutes
District Board Policies
District & School Success Plans
Policy Governance
Legislative Updates
Letters from the School Board
Board Meeting Dates
District Director Maps
District Director Legal Descriptions
Please call the NMSD Administration Office at (360) 277-2300 if you have any questions or need help with this feature.